Condition Monitoring
System-controlled monitoring of machines by a condition monitoring system represents the basis for digital success in the manufacturing industry. Continuous monitoring of machines, systems and processes enables faults to be rectified quickly and processes to be optimized. Only through intelligent maintenance in advance machines can withstand today’s continuous load at all.
Transaction-Network’s Condition Monitoring System turns the Asset Twin into a Product Twin by continuously monitoring the technical condition of machines in real time. This is because live data brings our Digital Twin to life and helps you to quickly initiate measures against all anomalies and deviations from standards. The intelligent dovetailing of our machine monitoring with other relevant processes enables efficient workflows and thus, opens up new sales opportunities.
Continuous condition monitoring
for reliability in machine manufacturing
Our condition monitoring provides a quick and clear overview of the technical live status of machines. Continuous condition monitoring provides technical measured values such as temperature, fill levels, vibrations, and speeds. This improves the reliability of the machines and provides early predictions about their running time.
Our condition monitoring strategy enables efficient and trouble-free operation of machines and plants. In industry, condition monitoring has therefore become an indispensable tool for machine maintenance. This is because constant condition monitoring means that changes are detected quickly and can be responded to just as quickly.
So werden beispielsweise erste Abnutzungserscheinungen einzelner Komponenten schnell registriert, bevor sie zum Problem werden können. Kommt es doch zu Komplikationen, können diese durch eine einfache Fehlersuche in den Live-Daten schnell behoben werden. Die ganze Maschinenwartung kann so besser geplant und koordiniert werden.
Zudem bietet unser Condition Monitoring Transparenz über mögliche Schwachstellen und Engpässe. Auf Basis dessen können Prozesse durch datenbasierte Analysen optimiert und stetig weiterentwickelt werden. Umgekehrt erlauben die Daten auch Rückschlüssen auf die Entwicklung der Maschinen. Außerdem eröffnet Ihnen eine intelligente Condition Monitoring Strategie neue Umsatzchancen im After Sales Management. Denn durch die Möglichkeit, die Lebensdauer einer Maschine frühzeitig vorherzusagen, können Ersatz- und Verschleißteile proaktiv an den Kunden verkauft werden.
Condition Monitoring –
All advantages at a glance
Interlocking of condition monitoring
with other processes
On the Transaction Network platform, all processes are intelligently interlinked. This allows you to offer your customers real added value through easy and efficient processes. The live data obtained from condition monitoring are valuable resources for our Digital Twin and our holistic After Sales Management.
The Digital Twin is enriched with live data of the machine. This turns the Asset Twin into a Product Twin, which allows conclusions about the development as well as quality controls through continuous condition monitoring. In addition, Transaction Network’s platform makes it possible for an entire ecosystem to be created by multiple machine builders on the platform. This means that not only individual machines and systems can be monitored, but entire production lines. Our line-twin is created, which allows end customers to track entire production lines and processes.
The likewise close integration of condition monitoring with asset management makes it possible to link the live data obtained by condition monitoring with master data of the machine. In addition, our condition monitoring is also linked to processes from the onlineshop and customer service module. This means that ordering and service processes can be triggered based on the live data. If, for example, the live data indicates that one of the machines in use needs new oil after a certain number of operating hours, this can be ordered in good time.